
Jordan:Foods in Aqaba /料理 in アカバ編

Hej! こんにちは。

Today I will talk about foods in Aqaba. Aqaba is a nice place, people are kind, Red sea is beautiful, food is good and weather is nice.

My other post about Jordan is here.
1 week in Jordan

Outside the hotel we met a man called Ahmed. He showed us a restaurant where we had our first dish, Kebab. It was very tasty and they also gave us free tea. Ahmed actually is a private guide, so he tried to find someone that wanted to go to Petra, Wadi-rum or Dead sea with him. But we had already booked the car.
私達の最初のご飯は、ケバブでした。とてもおいしかったですよ^^ それに、お茶も無料で出してもらいました。ラッキーです。実は、ホテルについて荷物を置いてからお店を探しに行っている時、アハメドという男性が声を掛けてきました。彼は、ガイド謙運転で、彼の主催するツアーに行く人を探していました。私たちは、レンタカーを予約していたので、行きませんでしたが^^;

Everywhere in Jordan you can eat Pita bread in the restaurant for free.

Jordanian nuts is very famous, there was the nut shops everywhere. One time we tried to buy chili nuts. I like them very much. 1.5JD for 100g.
ヨルダンのナッツはとても有名で、いたるところにナッツ屋さんがあります。私たちも、チリ味のナッツを買いました。美味しかったですよ~! 100gで1.5JD

7JD per two people. So this plate's price in this picture is 3.5JD

Second day's Lunch: This is a plate for two. Price is 5JD. Tea is 0.5JD per person.

We also had seafood at Captains restaurant, which was recommended by Apollo. at captains we had pot of seafood with shrimps, fish and squid. Captains restaurant is not cheap, but the food good.
キャプテンレストランというお店で、海鮮料理を食べました!! このお店は、スウェーデンの旅行会社アポロがオススメしていたところです。

13JD per person for this picture's dish a lot of rice and of course including pita breads.

My boyfriend ate Kebab again. so nice! But this is not same place as first one. I ate beef hamburger, this one also good. 11JD for Kebab, hamburger, two fresh juices and one glass icecream.

Grilled chicken half size. It was too much grilled, but taste is ok. I like this.
Grilled chicken half size: 2.75JD at Mazza snack.

I went to Mazza snack 3 times. Their food isn't expensive and also taste ok. I really love to drink fresh juices, There are many kind of fresh juices in Jordan, and I was able to drink it at many places. Price is 1.3JD till 2JD.
私はMazza snackというお店に3回行きました。値段も安いし、味も結構美味しいですよ。それに、フレッシュジュースを飲むのが大好きで、いろいろなところで飲みました。でも、Mazza snackが一番安かったと思います。だいたい、1.3JD~2JDくらいです。

There is a McDonald's in Aqaba. I bought McNuggets, of cause the taste was the same as in other country. We ate to much pita bread, grilled meat, kebab... I love their food but I don't want to eat it everyday.
Mcnugget and Mcnugget set: 4.75JD
アカバにはマクドナルドもあります。私はマックナゲッツを買いました。もちろん味は万国共通。ピタパン、ケバブなどに飽きた時には助かります。 さすがに、毎日ヨルダン料理はきついです。

Our last dinner was grilled shrimps with fried rice and salad: total 12.5JD. The shrimps were also good.
There are many fresh fish and seafood, so I think you should try if you like.

Hej då!!

1 件のコメント:

  1. 紅海は良いらしいね。ダイビングは最高だそうだ!!一度潜りたいものです。新袖ぱぱ
